A tunnel-like structure was discovered at the Delhi Legislative Assembly on Thursday. Speaking to ANI, Delhi Legislative Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel said that the tunnel connects the legislative assembly to Red Fort and was used by the Britishers to avoid reprisal while moving freedom fighters. Goel further informed that the Delhi Legislative Assembly, which was used as Central Legislative Assembly after shifting of capital from Kolkata to Delhi in 1912, was turned into a court in 1926 and Britishers used this tunnel to bring freedom fighters to the court. "When I became an MLA in 1993, there was hearsay about a tunnel present here that goes till Red Fort and I tried to search for its history. But there was no clarity over it," he stated. "Now we have got the mouth of the tunnel but we are not digging it further as all the paths of the tunnel have been destroyed due to metro projects and sewer installations," he added. The assembly speaker added that i...
A Home Affairs Committee has urged the Indian government to ban VPN services across India for security reasons. Here is a look at why the committee is worried and how VPN can be used for both good and bad online.
- * VPN services might be banned in India following an appeal by a Home Affairs Committee.
- * The committee claims that VPN services pose a "technological challenge" to the security of the nation.
- * It highlights that the services are readily available and used by cybercriminals to mask their activities.
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